Importance Of Breakfast
Morning Breakfast is the most important morning meal. Eating Morning breakfast is a first meal of the day for our body and brain. It is because of after whole night of 8–12 hours without food, At morning the brain and the body muscles are in need of energy to perform their functions properly.Eating breakfast may also help in weight management because it reduces hunger and prevents eating binges.
Some Important Benefits of Breakfast are:
Researches shows that
👉Children who eat breakfast are more likely to preform better in school and get along with their peers than those who do not eat breakfast.
👉By eating breakfast, students get more of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, dietary fiber, folate and protein.Related Video:
👉Eating breakfast can help improve math, reading, and standardized test scores
👉Breakfast helps children pay attention, perform problem-solving tasks, and
improves memory.
👉Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast on a regular basis are less likely to be overweight.
👉Schools that provide breakfast in the classroom to all students have shown decreases in tardiness and suspensions as well as improved student behavior and attentiveness.
👉What you eat for breakfast can have an impact on learning. One study showed
that eating breakfast food high in fiber and low in sugar for breakfast helped
students sustain the cognitive effects of breakfast.
👉School Breakfast provides daily servings of fruit, whole grains, and milk, plus
roughly ¼ the recommended calories needed for lasting energy.